Beached whales
Parts prepared for hides0
Too much splatter
Off my little Lincoln. Eventually I’ll make functional welds that are also pretty.0
Post to your blog
WHAT DID YOU DO?WHY DID YOU DO IT?Observe and interpret your process and materials.0
Responding to someone elses objects
Amber responds to the stick of post it notes Bekah sorts by color0
Same girls over a decade ago
Katherine, Rachel, Tessa, Katie, Erin, Amanda, Kelly, and Amy. Eighth grade I think. ? For the life of me i couldn’t find one of the trampoline outfit pictures! Just thought I’d compare it to previous post taken 12/2009.0
2D Gestalt — class reading assignment
Visual language Gestalt John Bowers, Intro to Two Dimensional Design: Understanding Form and Function. pp. 20–21 and pp. 42–49.0
Engineering, design or art?
Ashley and Sammi Clark and Raquel Jessell and Grady Amber and Agnes Jessica Henry Alexiah and Theresa Nick Danny and Andres Zachary Reece and team Amanda David and Christopher Sean0