
for my baby brother! it’s genetic.

no. no. no. i wont



muahhaaaa my baby brother and the fruit of his loins

muahhaaaa and his lovely seriously genetically related daughter (on the right)…well except her awesomely gorgeous thick hair and leaning towards well done cow which she got from her mama.

personally i think cheri, shelley, glenn, my mom and dad need to send me images from their archive…i am sure they exist…

it is true. my mom told me just today that my dad has a picture of her on his keychain in this very pose. it is totally genetic. that’s my story and i am sticking to it.

Blessing of a forgiving heart
“in the moment you stop the war, you open up to what you have been avoiding” “our failure to know joy is directly linked to our inability to forgive.”