I shot my parents today without going postal.
well, they will go postal
after they get printed for Christmas cards.
I’d tell you what my mom and dad said to get themselves laughing but then I’d have to kill you because omg its just wrong at their age and MY parents!0
chasing the sun into the night
beckoned by the edge where today splinters into tomorrow. I am done with yesterday both near and far, yet the griefs and unresolvables cling. shyness bares down more now then ever.0
I see; most the time.
“‘Learning to see’ is learning to recognize…seeing, in this sense, is not a thing of the retina and lenses, it is an activity that circumscribed the whole soul.” –Heinrich Wolfflin0
second coat, shade darker. mmm better.
hard to tell with the lighting but bathroom and guest room are same green just different values (bedroom being a lighter tint).0
cast of the gray morning laden with release
translation: yay i hear the drizzle running from my tin roof. more please.0
maybe should’ve split the difference
between loud and muted…both are in house in other places as well. hmmmm.0
see. I do sometimes.
“psychology’s main field of operations was not in controlled environments…but in the free-wheeling discursive practices of philosophers, historians, avant-garde artists, cultural reformers…psychology is to the modern age what perspective was to the renaissance, for there is no aspect of our... Read More0
taped, floated, sanded, textured and primed
dry time then final color plus light fixtures. TA-da. then on to next…item.0