artist + writer + perpetual home renovator

mumbling to myself aloud with English butcheries, in public, at times it is embarrassing.

Research interests

Creativity—the capacity to make novel and meaningful contributions that influence a field—is commonly attributed to people rising to prominence in the sciences and arts. Creativity is generally considered advantageously adaptive for a society. Amongst noteworthy creative achievers such as scientists, philosophers, explorers, and artists, one...
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The conviction that painting is the right profession grows stronger and stronger in me. Writing is the only other thing I still feel attracted to. -Paul Klee

Unuseful tab-ulation

You close the text and see what had already been scratching at the back of your mind–your plethora of tab-ulating has rendered them meaningless. It merely became an act of diddling the pages, a form of self pleasuring. Sigh.0


Donald Judd, “Warhol: You have to conclude that things that shit shit, talk shit, and look like shit are shit. Or shit, talk shit, and look like shit are shit or are shit that shit, etc., or are shit that craps, talk shit, and look like shit. Or are craps that shit, talk, crap, and look like shit are shit.”

(Pulled from )

The Creep Theory

Henry Flynt, artist, musician, philosopher and activist. Below is ‘Creep’ a chapter from his book Blueprint for a Higher Civilization. When Helen __ said I was “such a creep” at Interlochen in 1956, her remark epitomized the feeling that females have always had about me....
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To write is to organize a relationship. –artist, Marcel Broodthaers

Words are events, they do things, change things.

They transform both speaker and hearer; they feed energy back and forth and amplify it.

They feed understanding or emotion back and forth and amplify it.

— Ursula K. Le Guin

Visual artists: Why write? Right?

Just thinking. Why might high creative achievers, artist, be compelled to write? High need for cognition Order the mind (cog complexity, lexical chaos reduction or reordering; facilitate cog switching control) Counter/buffer social evaluatory threat as a function of domain specific bending and breaching conventions consolidate,...
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