
betrayal is not so very far away

betrayal is not so very far away
it spills forth from my mouth
it spills forth from my actions
every day
in “little” betrayals that dog at my heals
shatters my heart
these wounds “only” weep
they go unseen
they are disregarded
i you we turn my your our back
in “big” betrayals that knock me you us flat with its crushing blow
the wounds weep and gush
they are seen
they are regarded
i you we stand in the rising tide of the flow

betrayal is not so very far away
either little or big the wounds weep they gush
why do i you we discount some but not others
in the end the results are the same
big and small weeping or gushing
crushing and shattering

betrayal is not so very far away
where does it come from
it comes from my lacking
of timely self knowledge
it comes from my lacking
of courage
it comes from my lacking
of change when change is was
rejected for whatever reason
internal or external
it comes from my fear

betrayal is not so very far away
it comes from within me
does it come from within you

betrayal is not so very far away
is it possible for me to be both

betrayer and betrayed
big and small
weeping and gushing
shattering and crushing