Day 2 — meandering return trip through the beautiful Allegheny region
even the simple view looking back toward my studio windows, i miss these things…
and all those crazy, bowling, hardworking, and playing artists who taught me more about the nature of human kindness
and obviously, i miss the the nest at the pond i acquired for the month
i try to focus on today; there are good things–traveling with my dad, seeing his old stomping grounds, entering the Allegheny national forest where my dad spent the summers of his youth…
the bridge at the end of nebraska road that they use to cross to get to the place
the lake that resulted from the dam he watched being built 70 years ago as a kid
the Kelletville site of their old summer camp; where the day after school let out, they would drive the stakes into the ground for the tents and stay all summer until school started back up each fall. the stories of sitting on the handle bars of Willis’ bike while a friend peddled them down a hill and of the edge…flying into the river, bike and all…
and just the beautiful sites he grew up on
and of course discovering where i might have gotten my shutterbug finger from
and reuben sandwiches in a dive you would never expect to be good til you open the door and the place is full the locals of Tionesta, PA…these help me; as i travel the east side of the country, i try to focus on these wonderful things, unfortunately i am hugely unsuccessful today