abraham lied about his wife and gave her to another man to sleep with (bet that damaged their relationship; she must have forgiven abraham since they went on being married); one of his descendants almost did the same thing; mose was a murderer, as was david, ruth’s actions were not above reproach, jonah ran away as did many prophets. The father loved not just the prodigal but the judgmental unforgiving eldest son. Jacob lied, stole and deceived his father, his mother was complicit. The Christ reached out to cheaters, whores, adulterers, murders, lepers, the blind, etc all the time. he extends his hand to each of us for we are not without our own darkness, we are not without defiance. they did not suddenly become perfect. he doesn’t wave a magic wand and take away our internal battles and shadows; he makes room for us to have the freedom through forgiveness, reconciliation and more so that we may move beyond our shadows, our fears.
are you without shadow? i am not, but i work to accept and give forgiveness so i can move beyond the shadows and be who i was created to be, to continue to move in the purpose of my being, to find the green pastures, the quiet streams, and be restored.
it is hard.