A rain catcher? downtown. yup. at least for a moment.
I am finishing up a tube encrusted rain barrel for BBAP. The weekend of October 16, they’ll be selling rain barrels and compost bins as part of an Eco Houston event. They are a great price. See http://www.bbap-houston.org/ Part of the proceeds will help fund BBAP, buffalo bayou art park, an organization that makes temporary public Art possible in Houston. This organization is an incredibly important art organization in Houston!
The rain catcher takes a little visit to Tranquility Park for a green Eco news event thingy with the mayor. Awe. A morning at Tranquility Park downtown, dangling my legs over a ledge, my butt planted in the grass and catching an occasional light mist from the fountains as I listen to the major and cohorts. The green thing they are doing is a good thing and much prettier than the last time i listened to her as she christened a new residential waste depo. I look all tree huggerish and people who don’t know me intimately assume i am a vegetarian because I upcycle urban waste materials for my art. I am not really a tree hugger; somethings just make sense to do.
veggie garden