My first salad of my own homegrown freshly washed arrugula.
My first ever tomato.
My first ever honey bear and winter squash.
My first ever jalapeno.
0My first salad of my own homegrown freshly washed arrugula.
My first ever tomato.
My first ever honey bear and winter squash.
My first ever jalapeno.
0mundane ramblings . art . hermitage . process . artist residency . teaching . WASH foundations . SHSU Art . art foundations . June 2013 . VSC . i-park . microforest . road trip . exhibition . family . academic textabation . ART 5364 . Quote . art review . artists writings . research . Lecture . Dopt (the dog) . garden . Judith Butler . research ramblings . darke gallery . poetry . poems which aren't really poems just thinkings . fall 2012 . Life Style . artist writings . r2 . 2D Project 2 . 3D project 2 . 2012 fall p1 . r3 . BOX 13 ArtSpace . 3D
damned impressive there Ms. Green Thumb! Adds to the list of things you're good at.
Now let's see some art!