blogs I read, skim or check regularly
like art–i make it but don’t really go a viewing
like poetry–i may write but i don’t really sit a reading
like basketball back in the day–i played but i don’t really like a spectating
so i blog, but am not a blog-reading-aholic
but a few i do view
this season because I feel a spiritual obligation to think especially deep thoughts this time of year and think I should open the way and his thoughts are deep enough and open enough without pushing me into my way to serious take on life.
regularly because I learn from his journey, see a little more, connect a little more securely, and am challenged in my writing as well and get an occasional laugh
because he’s my friend and though I won’t learn to be a game boarder, I would like to learn to cook
because she is my friend and this opens the window a little further so that I can see her more wholly
because I like watching a sixth grade poet, writer and photographer blossom and I’ll be able to say I knew her way back when
one because I have a sick fear, compulsion, that if I don’t, I might miss some hidden secret invitation into a living breathing goodness even though I know if an invitation into this was to come, it would not be through the vehicle of a blog. the knowledge does not stop me from looking and hoping
hmmm. on an occasion i read my own, sometime this helps me hold onto what i believe and am trying to learn and exercise