I hate hematomas on my tibialis anterior. ouch!

I over work my art; I over work my body; ouch. rough cut 4×4 oak hurts when it bounces to the ground grazing my shin. I have never figured out how it is my jeans don’t rip but what is beneath…ouchy!
I tried to make a small piece for faculty exhibition…is 6′ deep x ~5′ wide x 8.75′ tall count as small. dang it all, I did try!
I was thinking a little about Judd gone wrong when I was framing this out.
And I ended my day stumbling onto my dad’s love letters to my mom (this set he wrote to her after they were married not the usual before–I especially liked where he called her “my princess!”–to heck with liberation, I like that.) I didn’t read the rest of it, thought it too invasive since they are both still alive. will read someday. then I found a series of report card from both my great great great grand father dating 1879 and his future wife. :)
Love the new piece!