
day 1 surface HW

surface HW
due first studio week 2 [MW 1/23; TTH 1/24]

Read/Respond [VJ=surface Visual Journal]

  1. Summary of morning [refine/synthesize notes] and add your thoughts/opinions, agree/disagree and why with what was discussed
  2. Record quote and expound on why you agree/disagree or a combo
  3. Identify/explain the subject, form, content of p1 comps [see AF ch 1]
  4. READ [P1] dot handout thoroughly.
  5. Define vocabulary [listed on p1 handout]
  6. Pre-read for lecture AF ch 1, IM intro, TCA ch 1 (pdfs online – blackboard)
  7. Carefully read entire syllabus


  1. Thirty (30) thumbnails for [p1] dot in VJ [step one] 10 – proximity
    10 – continuance
    10 – similarity
  2. Copy thumbnails and cut a part
  3. Store individual thumbnails in envelop in VJ


  1. Acquire supplies + textbook
  2. Read [p1] dot handout for stuff like–compass, circle template, white tracing paper, more white paper, lots of sharpies, pencils, black construction paper, ream of white paper, ream of what cardstock, Visual Journal

FRIDAY lecture 9:30 am
Art Building E, room 108

MW studios enter lecture room via left door.
Check in with your Friday mentor, Farrah.

TTH studios enter lecture room via right door.
Check in with your Friday mentor, Misty-Dawn.