MT 3/5-6 HW
checklist for 3/7-8
[p5] identity essentials
- Review peer critique sheet – store in VJ
- Using critique sheet write up self critique – put in VJ
[p6] StoryLINE ARTifact proposal [bring 2 copies]
- materials
- binding agents
- scale
- facility needs
- how it incorporates– LINE, RHYTHM, MOOD, MOVEMENT, METAPHOR
- several sketches (what it will look like; how it will exist in the space)
Prep for [p5] human comp collab crit by completing guide in VJ
- Those not complete with identity essential, put work back up before 9:30.
Crit will resume at 9:30 next studio - Human Comp Collab should be up on wall ready for crit prior to 9:30.
- Proposal + sample storyLINE materials
- Bring mark making library of all drawings, cutting utensil, tape, metal ruler, brain.