
2012 day 11 | besides the superhero fashions for the feminine are by far more aesthetically pleasing then men in tights!

being the heroine of my life set off so many personal podcasts (i’d say tapes but that would date me!) that on the last leg of my return from the hardware store, past the devil’s hopyard, I thought I was going to toss my cookies from motion sickness all the while dodging bicyclists and countering mind musings. (gosh that’s one long sentence paragraph!)


so I thumb out a text to myself. yes dad, I am not driving and texting (unlike texas, it is actually against the law in connecticut.)! when has the heroine ever been a self serving egotistical megalomaniac!?! yes, they almost all are seriously a bit idiosyncratic, imperfect, pushed to their edge, but never self centered. instead they tend to be the ones who good naturedly with the occasional undisclosed cursing, pushing past hardships, obstacles or wrongs, AND almost always bringing others along with them!


now to finish fabricating the clasping system for my floating forest table top with my new cut off wheels and a little more metal hot glue (welding). naturally I’ve dilly dallied til the heat of the day :)