I dissolve my fabricated seatings exhibition @ College of the Mainland
Artist talk and reception
Wednesday, September 12 @ 2 pm
College of the Mainland Art Gallery 1200 Amburn Road
Texas City, Texas 77591
Incessant thinking and incessant thinking (again)
Remnant inner tubes. ~4.5′ x 3′ x 3′ each.
I dissolve these fabricated seatings (triptych)
8′ x 33″ each unit. Masonite and chalk.
barren plains of back turned could have beens (monsters in the attic) (triptych)
Deconstructed domestic thresholds and remnant tubes. 12′ x 6′ x 6′.
i dissolve these fabricated mind musings
Deconstructed domestic thresholds(doors) plus four deck posts. ~ 11′ x 20″ x 24″ each chair.
Before I had my way with the space.