
installing [p1] + [p2] for crit

MW crew–Tuesday night 7-9, Wednesday morning before 9 am.
West side of garage doors (stair half of building)

TTH crew--Wednesday night 7-9, Thursday morning before 9 am.
East side of garage doors

  1. install as though an exhibition
  2. place [p1] vertically on left
    [p2] word sets on right side
    (be sure to have the words sets horizonally next to each other – paired)
  3. leave ~1″ of white space (wall) between each comp
  4. space set ~6″ from neighboring set.
  5. match the top height of your neighbors set
    many studio crews have thumbtacked string across the wall
    or used a laser pointer so everyone’s work lines up.
  6. place a white name tag (with MW or TTH) below your work about 6″ on right side.
    make name tag size of fortune from fortune cookie.
  7. photo document your work. NOW. 

Be sure your dot walk photographs (4) are mounted in your VJ and your previous write ups (3–habit, dot process crit, square process crit, dot walk questions are complete).

Craftsmanship of comps, cutting, mounting, and presentation, makes or breaks your work. Wow us; wow yourself.

MATERIALS Bring 9/12 – 13 all your previously made dots + square comps, tracing paper, pencils, plus kit content. Research topographic mapping and magnetic mapping.

Here is a sample from last semester to give you a feel for what it will look like.



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