
triple sweetness.

Mayuko Gray of College of the Mainland art gallery provided me with Javier, a young painter who intuitively understands working in real space. He was perfect for the install this weekend. It made my life so much easier and significantly reduced my stress. He was also highly flexible so as I adapted the work to the space differently than my original game plan, he played right along. Thank you. Thank you.

i dissolve my fabricated seatings
reception + artist talk
Sept 12, 2-3 pm
College of the Mainland Art Gallery
1200 Amburn Rd, Texas City, TX 77591
Exhibition is on view from  Sept 4-27, 2012

I kind of got an unsolicited pre-review for the exhibition at COM by Robert Boyd and I personally found flattering. Well, it just made me feel good and that was just the first line.

Kathryn Kelley is one of the most interesting artists in Houston…

Integrative Teaching International showcased me based on the projects and methodologies I have been developing for art foundations.

Integrative Teaching International (ITI) promotes wide sweeping discussion about the state of teaching and learning in the 21st century. Through our annual ThinkTank event, our journal “Future Forward,” and other sponsored programs, ITI seeks to foster intellectual skills necessary for exemplary instruction by master teachers, administrators and emerging educators.

Each year at ThinkTank, we bring master and emerging educators together to collaborate through hands-on workshops, presentations, and discussions. We facilitate small groups to openly exchange—and sometimes challenge—ideas about the state of pedagogy. We seek to showcase best practices, heighten understanding of curriculum design, and explore innovative assessment strategies. One goal of a ThinkTank event is to share knowledge and supportive mentoring with emerging educators at the beginning of their teaching career. Teacher by teacher, we form a national network that seeks to change ossified conceptual frameworks for the professional development of educators and open new possibilities for the exchange of information in and outside of a classroom.

Furthermore, we recognize that the value of our model of exchange may be beneficial to educators from many fields of study. Pedagogy and scholarship across the curriculum requires habits of mind and forms of inquiry that are general skills for the 21st century workplace. ITI values discussion about the nature of play, research, technology, and co-curricular activities in the field of teaching…

Anthony Fontana
President, Integrative Teaching International

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