midWEEK 7 to do
- Using human comp collab crit guide to determine content, writing in paragraph form and complete sentences, self reflect on your teams project.
- LIST 3 1/2 things you learned that you should consider for identity essentials
- Review storyline story handout (story due 10/15-16—7 copies)
- Drawing series 2
- Review both drawings series 1 & 2 AND drawings from class.
- Choose line drawing that best represents EACH of the following (write your name and the emotion in bottom corner [VERY SMALL] of each drawing):
- anger
- joy
- boredom
- fright/fear
- laughter
- sadness
- control
a CD/DVD or bring on USB with human comp collab final presentation set [1 per team]
- LOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGG STICK or ruler, something that will extend your reach 2 to 3 feet.
- INK + wide mouth container for ink,
- crazy non-art objects to dip in ink (bring 15 items minimum)
- lots of PAPEr (quality that will handle ink)
- tape to secure paper