midWEEK 8 to-dos (due W/TH)
- Revise/correct storyLINE version #1 (due next studio)
- StoryLINE artifact project development (from storyLINE #1)
LIST dominate or sample of EACH of the following from your story, written or inferred.
- Mood/emotion
- Sensory experience
- Body movement
- Word (one for each) – verb, noun, adjective
- Materiality
- Ground (substructure)
- Metaphor/symbol
- Read storyLINE revise handout and select method for storyLINE version #2 (remember you are telling the same story/experience just in alternate way)
- Preview identity essentials crit guide
independent drawing series 3 – ghost drawings
- magnets preattached to backs (via hot glue or Velcro) of each identity essential photo
- name label (tape will work) on back of EACH identity essential photo AND number of vertical viewing order (top #1 – bottom #5)
- tape, paper
- camera to document identity essential display of your work
- as always, VJ
Friday — lecture major EXAM. do not be absent–no make ups. check out blackboard WASH lecture > course documents for study guide + plus quiz 1 & 2