
surface WEEKend 8 to-do list


  1. Identity Essentials self evaluation using crit guide; address each item; be thorough; TYPE up. Due m/t.
  2. StoryLINE version #1 revisions/corrections should be in VJ.
  3. StoryLINE version #2 write; bring 7 copies next studio [m/t].
    Options for rewrite (choose only 1):
    • Reverse storyline
    • Write from the other person’s perspective
    • Write from perspective of inanimate object or space
    • Change tense (past/present/future)
    • Exaggerate an unexpected or mundane portion
    • Sensualize it (not sexualize)
    • Rearrange it based on some system
    • Twist it
    • Reverse the meaning
    • Remove noun(s) and replace with descriptions
    • Write it as though it happened 60 years later (as though it had occurred in
      old age)

  4. Generate storyLINE list of words, one for each of the following relative to your story (in it or inferred):
    • mood
    • meaning/metaphor 
    • materials

  5. READ storyLINE ARTifact project sheet.
  6. Put together a storyLINE ARTifact pitch (with two options) for two possible directions for the piece to go. Include: sketches, photographs of related work, how it relates to your story in terms of mood, movement, meaning/metaphor, materials AND LINE.
  7. READ big IDEA project sheet
  8. Gather materials for imagine collab, put some independent workdays on your calendar.

Bring Identity Essential write up (2 copies–one to turn in; one for VJ)
storyLINE artifact elevator pitch support,
storyLINE version #2 (2 copies),
storyLINE artifacts material samples to test and for elevator pitch