
piebald elephant head

The Trojan Box, Box 13 artists at The Art League…a review :)

…being egocentrical my excerpt is….
The third piece in the “freaky animal trilogy” is Kathy Kelley’s i am drowning in the silent stillness of unwritten posts, which may remind you of a piebald elephant head. Or an alien space suit. It has a palpable presence that makes you think it is athing, not an abstract three-dimensional form. It uses her favorite material–reclaimed rubber from old innertubes–but adds what is to me a new element–the white top. It was made with plaster and polished with wax, giving it a bone or ivory-like quality. I won’t say i am drowning in the silent stillness of unwritten posts is beautiful, but it is compelling. I have to look at it–it really dominates the room. (An amazing achievement considering that the room is full of very interesting artworks.) And at the risk of sounding like Charles Kinbote, the title of this piece describes something I personally experience on a regular basis. — Robert Boyd

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