Research/Respond/Write in VJ mount [p1] + [p2] comps in VJ READ [p4] human comp collab cogitate on human comp collab brainstorming while working on maps and cardboard hybrids. note questions you have for Kathy + brainstorming ideas in ready... Read More0
Research/Respond/Write in VJ Mount photo of final dot/square comp (as presented on wall) complete P1 + P2 crit write up – follow guide, address each item even if group did not discuss. Mount 4 photographs from DOT walk and write... Read More0
A 5-Step Technique for Producing Ideas circa 1939 by Maria Popova “…the habit of mind which leads to a search for relationships between facts becomes of the highest importance in the production of ideas.” Literature is the original “inter-net,” woven of... Read More0
MW crew–Tuesday night 7-9, Wednesday morning before 9 am. West side of garage doors (stair half of building) TTH crew--Wednesday night 7-9, Thursday morning before 9 am. East side of garage doors install as though an exhibition place [p1] vertically... Read More0
[p1] dot concept crit guide—proximity, continuance, similarity Crittee Takes notes in VJ and listen carefully; pay attention to others perceptions. Can you see their viewpoint? Is it stronger than your initial intent? What could be adjusted to strengthen either your... Read More0
read/research/write (store in VJ) read up on gestalt–proximity, similarity, continuance, closure (google, AF textbook) [p1] habit crit write up. use guide and address issues of scale, distance, relational shifts, density and relative placement within the square format. NOTE 5 things... Read More0
TTH crew and their problem solving habits. Students hunt for habits and patterns in problem solving so that they can expand their options and reduce habitual limitations. Typical patterns in problem solving space lay in the areas of scale, distances,... Read More0
Read/Respond [VJ-surface Visual Journal] ___ write summary of first morning [refine/synthesize notes] and add your thoughts/opinions, agree/disagree and why with what was discussed in studio. ___ NOTE at least 5 things worth remembering. ___ record quote and expound on why... Read More0
2220 Avenue M. WASH = Workshop in Art Studio and History The new WASH Building, 2220 Ave. M, across from Holleman Field. We’ll be welcoming our new spring WASHers PROMPTLY at 9:30 am, Wednesday, August 29 for the MW studio... Read More0
for [p8] building critical review guide there will be four PCA awards–best: triptych (series), phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 bring your project proposal checklists to first studio of the week [one for surface; one for space] —- deinstall +... Read More0
YOU CAN DO IT! finish strong. end the semester exhausted BUT proud of yourselves. I believe each one of you can do this. go for it! summer, sleep and standard socializing soon will return. wait for it. this week 4/25-26... Read More0
Final round of Imag Collabs are this Friday 4/27 @ 9:30. Can’t wait to see them. Round #1 PCAs were Jeromy, Frank, Daniel, Kari Jo, Rapheal, Caroline, Kailey 1. Artist Research Papers (typed + stapled) due Friday 4/27 @ 9:30... Read More0