Surface Visual Journal [VJ] Checklists

due dates [grade]

#1 — MW Sept 17
         TTH Sept 18

#2 — MW Oct 8
         TTH Oct 9

#3 — MW Nov 12
         TTH Nov 13

#4 — MW Dec 10
         TTH Dec 11

content checklists
#4 surface visual journal checklist [due Dec 10-11] 

imagine collab

  1. documentation of finished project – photographs (1-2) of project
  2. five (5) things you learned from others during crit
  3. critique write up (self evaluation — cover form, concept, presentation, craft, and materials) 

big idea  

  1. documentation of finished project – photographs (1-2) of project
  2. five (5) things you learned from others during crit
  3. critique write up (self evaluation–cover form, concept, presentation, craft, and materials) 

color triptych

  1. documentation of finished project – photographs of project (one of whole set plus at least one of some important detail)
  2. critique write up (self evaluation — cover the role of color in how it worked as a whole set, then evaluate each piece — form, concept, craft, presentation, materials)  

#3 surface visual journal checklist [Nov 12-13]

  1. photographs – white space photo series (4)
  2. crit write up – [p4] human comp collab
  3. photo – human comp collab collection of team photos as seen on the wall
  4. crit write up – human comp collab crit PLUS list 3 1/2 items you learned from [p4] crit to apply to identity essential
  5. photographswalk the line series (4)
  6. listings for mood
    mark characteristics: Anger–Joy–Sadness–Laughter–Boredom–Fear–Control [see blog checklist weekend 7 for details]
  7. write up – [p6] imagine collab — harvesting from artist questions on handout
  8. sketches/proposal/evelvator pitch – [p6] imagine collab proposal
  9. storyLINE story version 1
  10. storyLINE story version 1 peer feedback
  11. storyLINE version 1 corrected
  12. storyLINE initial research — list dominate or sample of each of the following from story, written or inferred — Mood/emotion;
    Sensory experience;
    Body movement;
    Word – verb, noun, adjective;
    Ground (substructure);
  13. storyLINE version 2 
  14. sketches/proposal/elevator pitch – [p7] storyLINE ARTifact proposal
    (list of things to be included)
  15. crit write up – TYPED write up addressing ALL items on guide for identity essentials project
  16. crit write up – fill out on storyLINE self crit guide
  17. write up – five things learned from storyLINE crit
  18. photographs – of storyLINE ARTifact

#2 surface visual journal checklist []

  1. dot or square comp–selected for [p3] mapscapes
  2. sketches--12 polished topographic + magnetic sketch studies
  3. research evidence–additional research for mapscapes. see WEEKend #4 checklist
  4. brainstorming lists[p4] human comp collab
  5. calendar/schedule[p4] human comp collab
  6. research–[p4] human comp collabs individual research (see blog posting week 5)
  7. crit notes–[p3] mapscapes (5 things you learned from others plus crit notes)
  8. crit write up–use mapscape crit guide
  9. grade sheet–mapscapes
  10. photographs–[min] three photos of [p3] mapscapes; 1-both together; 1-topo only; 1 mag only; recommend some detail shots as well
  11. photographs–your two [p4] human comp collab

#1 surface visual journal checklist []

  1. write up-summary of 1st day morning [refine/synthesize notes] + add your thoughts/opinions, agree/disagree + why with what was discussed
  2. write up-tape in quote and expound on why you agree/disagree or a combo
  3. thumbnails-(30) dot comps
  4. pocket containing loose copies of (30) dot comps
  5. crit-dot habit write up (see crit guide handout)
  6. comps-(15) 5×5 dot comps in pocket
  7. image-team selected final 3 dot comps (if different, second set + justification)
  8. crit-(3) write up of final dot comp team selection – process
  9. thumbnails-squared thumbnail sketches
  10. write up – square crit
  11. photos-(4) dot walk photo series
  12. write up-dot walk questions answered (see handout)
  13. crit-[p1] dot + [p2] squared
  14. photo documentation-image of wall presentation of [p1] + [p2]
  15. research-topographic + magnetic mapping + reasons humans map
  16. research-research –mapping
  17. sketches-(12) topographic + magnetic field map studies–done but will submitted at second vj due date

OLD stuff————————————————– Spring 2012

# 4 – #5 surface journal checklist — final check up (note check up 4 has been deleted)
REMEMBER 50% of your final VJ check up grade will be based on your VJs organization and WOW presentability (BFA review ready). You may add (tape in) additional pages between existing ones to present photos, etc

  1. write up-[p6] storyLINE SELF critical review (use guide)
  2. photos-[p6] storyLINE photo documentation
  3. color samples-[p8] color scheme SWATCHes
  4. copies-[p8] building mood via color and texture. images of your plan for entire triptych–scaled and cropped to represent the proportions of final pieces. (this means it can be smaller but to scale…ie 1×4, 4×4, 4×4)
  5. color research-[p8] research on each hue chosen [cultural context, usage, emotion, other connotations, history, and general research on specific hue)
  6. color research-[p8] collection of images of art and design using your chosen color scheme
  7. color samples-[p8] phase 1 monochromatic SWATCHes (~10 of varying values)
  8. color samples-[p8] phase 2 monochromatic painted samples (10 varying values in sequence)
  9. photo documentation of each individual piece (on wall) (at least three images)
  10. photo documentation of entire set as triptych plus one or two detail images
  11. preliminary self critique write up (complete before day of crit)
  12. imagine collaboration [p7] proposal and sketches as defined in handout
  13. imagine collaboration [p7] harvesting ideas + analysis questions from handout
  14. copy of peer evaluation
  15. photo documentation of entire piece plus details
  16. self critique (use page one of critique guide)
  17. For each member of your table team plus three additional WASHers from your MW or TTH crew, write up a detailed critique of the individual. This critique should identify SPECIFIC POSITIVE or HELPFUL traits, incidents, or experiences you had with this person. This is not a high school year book thingy–you’re so cool! you’re so sweet! etc. Be direct and specific…ie When you suggested __, it helped me realize my project. Your positive attitude during the all nighter, ___. Just the effort you poured into such and such a project, helped me really want to make my own project more excellent. etc. Finish by typing these up and emailing them to kathy no later than midnight Friday, May 4.

#3 surface journal checklist [in process]

  1. write up-dot landscape compare + contrast essay you authored
  2. write up-dot landscape PEER compare + contrast essay about your work
  3. write up-storyLINE version #1 + pocket with peer reviews
  4. write up-storyLINE version #2
  5. write up-storyLINE  research — Mood/emotion, Sensory experience, Body movement, Word – verb, noun, adjective, Materiality, Ground (substructure), Metaphor/symbol
  6. proposal-storyLINE ARTifact — materiality,  binding agents, scale, facility needs, how it incorporates line, rhythm, mood, movement, metaphor, several sketches
  7. proposal interview/discussion write up with MM partner — must address
  8. photos-human comp (your two); small 4×6
  9. photos-identity essentials (5); small 4×6
  10. write up-[p4] human comp crit analysis (address all items in guide)
  11. write up-[p5] identity essentials crit analysis (address all items in guide)
  12. TTH write up-[p6] storyLINE SELF critical review (use guide)
  13. TTH photos-[p6] storyLINE photo documentation

#2 surface visual journal checklist

  1. crit write up-[p1] dot + [p2] squared
  2. sketches-(12) topographic + magnetic field map studies
  3. crit write up-[p3] dot landscape #1 prcoess review
  4. crit write up-[p3] dot landscape final crit
  5. documentation images-[p3] – 5 photographs
    1-presentation of both on wall
    2-landscape #1 (whole thing)
    3-landscape #1 (detail)
    4-landscape #2 (whole thing)
    5-landscape #2 (detail)
  6. write up + images-dot scape essay
  7. lists-[p4] human comp collaborative brainstorming lists (see handout), delegation of team tasks and supplies, and team working timeline
  8. story-[p6] storyLINE story (typed). also bring 7 copies for studio peer review.

#1 surface visual journal checklist [download checklist/gradesheet pdf]

  1. write up-summary of 1st day morning [refine/synthesize notes] + add your thoughts/opinions, agree/disagree + why with what was discussed
  2. write up-tape in quote and expound on why you agree/disagree or a combo
  3. thumbnails-(30) dot comps
  4. pocket containing loose copies of (30) dot comps
  5. crit-dot habit write up (see crit guide handout)
  6. comps-(15) 5.5×5.5 dot comps in pocket
  7. image-team selected final 3 dot comps (if different, second set + justification)
  8. crit-(3) write up of final dot comp team selection – process
  9. thumbnails-squared thumbnail sketches
  10. photos-(4) dot walk photo series
  11. write up-dot walk questions answered (see handout)
  12. crit-[p1] dot + [p2] squared
  13. photo documentation-image of wall presentation of [p1] + [p2]
  14. research-topographic and magnetic mapping
  15. research-research dada/futurist collage, assemblage, and pop up books; artists – rauschenberg, schwitters, lechner plus one pop up book artist
  16. sketches-(12) topographic + magnetic field map studies