Research interests
Creativity—the capacity to make novel and meaningful contributions that influence a field—is commonly attributed to people rising to prominence in the sciences and arts. Creativity is generally considered advantageously adaptive for a society. Amongst noteworthy creative achievers such as scientists,... Read More0
is “doing artist” the equivalent of “doing gender”?
Tangent [Julia Kristeva’a intertextual ADD] of the dissertation direction sort… I am currently reading The Topless Cellist (on Charlotte Moorman) for a class and for another class I am perusing the article “A Performative-Performance Analytical Approach: Infusing Butlerian Theory Into the Narrative-Discursive... Read More1
There is a forgetfulness between self and context…The foot twitches; the mind thinks. The mind thinks; the foot twitches. The mind twitches; the foot thinks. The foot thinks; the mind twitches. Perhaps.
An unfootnoted musing for a toe dipping short term project Option A—the easy way: Analysis of interdisciplinary product (outcome)—Robert Morris and Carolee Schneeman Option B—the less easy*: Analysis of Intermodal process (income)—Contemporary intermodal artistic practice of writing and ___ The... Read More0