
TT course work

“research becomes an alternative to self cannibalization” Lopate

my playpen :: anti-self cannibalization :: it is my tendency to jump in the deep end to see if I can explore this realm while learning to efficiently navigate a pool and a swim/floating method I haven’t previously used. Things...
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Mondrian White on White Pivotal Set, Oompa Loompas, A Buzz and Holler,plus Racks of Disemboweled Cadavers. LOVELY

Texas Tech’s Mother Courage, April 29 | First Performance | A slanted critical review of sorts As I squirmed in my seat for three hours, fifteen minutes, my anticipation and pleasure resided in what occurred between scenes, which began each time with...
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There is a forgetfulness between self and context…The foot twitches; the mind thinks. The mind thinks; the foot twitches. The mind twitches; the foot thinks. The foot thinks; the mind twitches. Perhaps.

An unfootnoted musing for a toe dipping short term project Option A—the easy way: Analysis of interdisciplinary product (outcome)—Robert Morris and Carolee Schneeman Option B—the less easy*: Analysis of Intermodal process (income)—Contemporary intermodal artistic practice of writing and ___ The...
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