Script * designed for Zoom. Because this is a script for verbal defense presentation and citations were provided in diss doc, they are not included here, though key scientists are... Read More0
there are so many points of entry, all likey to be in play, and so little time creative performance and achievement, and creative cognition processes working memory inhibitory control flexibility…... Read More0
Liabilities associated with writing expressed by sculptor Henry Moore in his own writings (1937). Specifically, he suggests that writing about art and art processes will inherently shift the artist-author social... Read More0
I have a paper in me itching to be written, plus a dataset and suggestive results. The topic, a paper on the problem of experimental and observational creativity studies’ dependence... Read More0
I believe artists, high in real-world creative achievement, have a tendency to implicitly engage writing strategies that facilitate toggling up and down various internal cognitive, affective, and psychopathological risky conditions... Read More0
Rif on Butlerian logic, subject formation, and the narrow space of "free will." The distance we are from clusters of particular conventions, norms—the mechanisms of recognition and belonging, in which... Read More0
Kathy–But why are you writing? Does it expose your unseparateness from everything else? Link you to a state of belonging? Or just further acknowledgement of detached states of being? Why... Read More1
He had me calling him a dastardly convoluted textual bastard on page five with his ten mile long sentences that fold back upon themselves and lead me to all forms... Read More0
Joan Didion — “Had I been blessed with even limited access to my own mind there would have been no reason to write.”
MicroReading Response to Goffman’s text Stigma via the countering of the stigma of bad mother CONCEPT: Erving Goffman suggests that there are common cues that we become temporally and situationally dependent on that allow... Read More0
Language makes “more real” my objectivity not only to my conversation partner but also to myself. This capacity of language to crystallize and stabilize for me my own subjectivity…men must talk... Read More0