
load ’em up, move ’em out, install ’em

break out the camera phone. snap. click. now pass out from moving about 2000 lbs of tubes in a day…even with 6 men helping, this chica is exhausted.

Yes. The movers dropped this monstrosity. Tore it.
And created a general dishevel (of course only i can tell).
Thankful we didn’t break any people.

Yes. When you tell movers not to grab it by the sticky outy sticks and tell them they are not structural, the first thing they do is test that and break the sticky outy sticks????? hm. ok, but it was so heavy that even with 6 men and a chica, we weren’t too sure we were going to be able to get it in the doors without killing someone–was a definite possibility.

And this by far was the heaviest piece.
Yes, I believe the movers were cursing me in spanish!

AND MUCH MORE…You all are welcome to come join me Friday night.

in the space of absence
Opening at Lawndale Art Center
Friday, January 23, 2009

Artist Talks 6 pm
Opening 6:30 to 8:30 pm

4912 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002

Regular Gallery Hours
Monday thru Friday 10am – 5pm
Saturday 12pm – 5pm
Closed on Sundays

what kind of chica makes work with huge stink, this kind!
chica standing in BOX 13 ArtSpace courtyard surrounded by her stinky, freshly harvested remnant tubes