
kathy wash 2012

Mondrian White on White Pivotal Set, Oompa Loompas, A Buzz and Holler,plus Racks of Disemboweled Cadavers. LOVELY

Texas Tech’s Mother Courage, April 29 | First Performance | A slanted critical review of sorts As I squirmed in my seat for three hours, fifteen minutes, my anticipation and pleasure resided in what occurred between scenes, which began each time with...
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There is a forgetfulness between self and context…The foot twitches; the mind thinks. The mind thinks; the foot twitches. The mind twitches; the foot thinks. The foot thinks; the mind twitches. Perhaps.

An unfootnoted musing for a toe dipping short term project Option A—the easy way: Analysis of interdisciplinary product (outcome)—Robert Morris and Carolee Schneeman Option B—the less easy*: Analysis of Intermodal process (income)—Contemporary intermodal artistic practice of writing and ___ The...
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weaving the unraveled as I ravel the strands’
textual influences ofthe term

Carnal Knowledge: Towards a ‘new Materialism’ through the Arts (2013), “Introduction” by Barbara Bolt The idea of the performative power of materiality that Bolt introduces has raised one possible strand of research relative to the function of visual and performative...
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subjugate that!
first scholarly neophyte research question to pursue relative to my dissertation interests

RESEARCH QUESTION: Are contemporary female visual artists using self subjugating language? —-end of requested—- Language sampling source and narrowing the playing field: Kristine Stiles and Peter Selz’s text, Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists’ Writings, 2nd...
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Responsive Textabation #6 – female hysteria and theatrical realism

Realism’s putative (commonly regarded) object, the truthful representation of social experience within a recognizable, usually contemporary, moment, remains a problematic issue for feminism, not least because theatrical realism, rooted in domestic melodrama, retains the oedipal family focus even as …....
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Responsive Textabation #5 — Metaphor and the binary as structures understanding the abstract (so freaking true)

Because I cannot leave well enough alone, I will discuss two quotes. The first quote is included because it is the essential framework for the essay to be communally comprehendible and fulfills the assignment. The second quote is chosen because...
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Responsive Textabation #4 — The Material World…
OMG YES! Plato, Plato, Plato! Why, oh why, did you not read Bolt and Bennett on the Material Turn?
Oh, yeah you’re dead!

Thus, through the colonization of the arts by cultural theory, arts very materiality has disappeared into the textual, the linguistic and the discursive. According to this conception, art is constructed in and through language. There is noting outside of discourse...
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