
There is no way to peace other than peacemaking itself. How you get there is always where you finally arrive.

Blessed are the peacemakers: they shall be recognized as children of God.
~ Matthew 5:9

A peacemaker is the one who reconciles quarrels and overcomes conflicts, first of all within himself or herself…

It is almost impossible to believe how most of Christian history was unable to hear Jesus’ rather explicit teaching on non-violence. It seems that we started, encouraged, idealized, and fought in most wars that were ever available to us..,

Jesus is saying there must be a clear consistency, a constant unity between our means and the ends we hope to achieve. There is no way to peace other than peacemaking itself. How you get there is always where you finally arrive.

Adapted from Jesus’ Plan for the New World, p.139

From www.cacradicalgrace.org