WASH Building location
2220 Avenue M.
WASH = Workshop in Art Studio and History
The new WASH Building, 2220 Ave. M, across from Holleman Field. We’ll be welcoming our new spring WASH students PROMPTLY at 9:30 am, Wednesday, January 19 with Kathryn & Valerie, and Thursday, January 20 with Bill & Valerie. Don’t miss! It is a full day and you will fall quickly behind if you miss this day!
At 9 am on Friday, January 21 we all meet together over in room 108 of art building E.
Bring your brain, imagination, can-do attitude, one roll of masking tape, elmer’s glue, SCISSORS, paper, writing utensil, digital camera (camera phone will work), and a combination lock for your WASH locker. Pack a lunch and drink (we’ve got a microwave, frig, and coke machine).