First weekend studio to do list — prior to Monday, January 24
first day performances–nightmare or daydream!
2D (am)
- acquire textbook and supplies
- make 30 thumbnail sketches in visual journal
- read download from blog Theory of Human Perception
- respond to first day activities, talk/discussions (tension, composition, elements, perception) and reading in visual online journal (your blog)
- setup your visual online journal (blog) and email kathy your blog address (kas045 at
- Monday must have materials—tracing paper, white paper, lots of sharpies, pencils, black construction paper, ream of white paper, ream of what cardstock, compass and/or circle template, morgue-sketchbook, laptop.
- review (google) and look at images of topographic contour map and magnetic field maps.
performing visual elements (point) auditorily first day of class
(nightmare or daydream)
3D (pm)
- download to your computer and read
3D project 1 — Larger than Life handout - make three basketball-sized spheres out of cardboard. For two, you may use hot glue—one focused on surface, the other on internal structure. The third must be built with cardboard alone—NO glue or fixative of any kind.
- write up a response to activities and discussions from today and post to blog…images as well if possible. A response includes things you learned, the big idea, things you had a reaction to positively or negatively, things you agree with disagree with. It is kind of like if someone asked what happened in WASH today…
- Monday must have materials—cardboard, box cutter, extra blades, exacto, extra blades, ruler, clips, hot glue gun, glue sticks, wood glue, morgue-sketchbook, pencils, laptop.
- Read all handouts/downloads—syllabus, visual journal, supplies, reading schedule, 2D Project 1.1a DOT, 3D Project 1-Larger than Life,
- Review Google imaes of work by Claes Oldenburg, Ron Mueck, Katharina Fritsch, Osker Schemmler (youtube)
performing visual elements (texture) auditorily (nightmare or daydream)
Finish up listening to Janine Antoni and questions. For each work Antoni discusses, listen for what materials she is using, what she did to or with them, and all the whys? Make a list of her whats and whys. Identify the sources of her ideas. How does she speak about her audience? What of their response? What does she want from them? Why does she love being an artist?
Bring lists/answers with you to class Monday, we will be discussing her work in terms of its sources of inspiration, materiality, process, interaction with viewer and why she loves being an artist.
performing visual elements (an unexpected translation of value) auditorily (nightmare or daydream). i was listening so hard to hear it in the manipulation of sound that i missed the symbolic sound execution of value.
Lecture #1 with Bill
- Lecture 1 (1/21) assignment and reading. Due Friday, January 28 beginning of class.
- TBA in class 1/21.
And we finished with the little moody element of color in the auditory range
Hey! Wait a minute that last one wasn’t sound! Now that was music! We’ve mixed in a vocal artist with our visuals! YES! MIXing it up is good.
student nightmare or fantasy!