
Lecture 8 [4/8] reading and writing assignment
due Monday, April 18

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Lecture homework for April 8: Fantasy
Due Monday, April 18, posted to blog.

In The Making: Relating to The Audience: pg.74- 119
(Charles Ray, Will Schade, Arnaldo Morales, Rirkrit Tiravanija, and Gillian Wearing)

Research the work of Survival Research Laboratories and
answer the following questions in a 600 word essay [your own words]:

  1. Looking at the work of SRL as fantasy, what fantasies does it fulfill?
  2. Compare SRL’s performances to more mainstream events/entertainment that articulate the same kinds of fantasy. How are they alike, what key elements are different?
  3. Is SRL “yanks with tanks” as the Dutch protesters said? Does SRL’s work promote or critique mechanized violence? or both?
  4. Who is SRL’s audience? Why were they staging a big event in Amsterdam, rather than Tripoli, Libya or Kandahar, Afghanistan?

Artists mentioned in the lecture:
Thomas Kinkade, Thomas Cole, Carl Jung, Tibetan Buddhist monks, sand mandala, Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France, George Lucas et al. Star wars, Norman Rockwell, Freedom from Want, Bernardo Bett, life of Saint Bernardino of Siena, Odilon Redon, The Buddha, 1905, Mariko Mori, WAVE ship, Roger Dean, fantastic landscape (album cover), James Cameron, Avatar (film still), Survival Research Laboratories, Albert Pinkham Ryder, The Race Track, H.R. Giger, DOOM II video game still, The Laocoon Group, 1st c B.C., Chiho Aoshima, Aubrey Beardsley, Salome: The Dancers Reward, 1894, Tibetan demon mask, carved wood, 17th c., Takashi Murakami, DOB inflatable, 2008
Eugene Delacroix, Death of Sardanapolis, 1827, William Kentridge, Mine, 1985, Rene Magritte, Rape, Edvard Munch, The Scream, Paul McCarthy, Spaghetti Man, 1993, Kara Walker, Trenton Doyle Hancock, Raymond Pettibon, cover of Pig cupid, 1985

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