
Read your studio syllabus thoroughly.

TTH studio syllabus 1
MW studio syllabus 2

There will be opportunities to ask your questions and get clarification
about WASH studios the first studio day.

The new WASH Building, 2220 Ave. M, across from Holleman Field. We’ll be welcoming our new fall WASH students PROMPTLY at 9:30 am, Wednesday, August 24 with Kathy and Thursday, August 25 with Valerie. Don’t miss! It is a full day and you will fall quickly behind if you miss this day!

At 9:30 am on Friday, August 26 we all meet together over in room 108 of art building E.

On the first day bring

1. Newspapers (the equivalent of one Sunday Houston Chronicle in thickness)
2. One roll of plain masking tape (tan or neutral in color)
3. Camera or camera phone
4. Lock (combination style…optional)
5. Sack lunch (we have a fridge + microwave for student use during our one hour lunch break)
6. Layers (temp in WASH house may not be to your liking)

You should also be collecting clean, used, cardboard for studio. You will need it the first weekend.

Show 2 footnotes

  1. 02 + 1314.04
  2. 01 + 1314.03

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WASH materials list
WASH House