subjugate that!
first scholarly neophyte research question to pursue relative to my dissertation interests
Are contemporary female visual artists using self subjugating language?
—-end of requested—-
Language sampling source and narrowing the playing field:
Kristine Stiles and Peter Selz’s text, Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists’ Writings, 2nd Ed, published in 2012, in addition to male artist writings and interviews, the text contains seventy-seven writings by female artists and twenty-four interview transcripts with female artists. The female samples will be used as source material for analysis relative to the research question.
Sampling source narrows female category to
- visual artists practicing within the last 100 years
- artists established as relevant to the art world by art historians via inclusion of artists’ writings and interview transcripts in published anthologies
- artists who vary in conceptual and physical practices
- to a manageable quantity
Based on this source material, a logical follow up presents itself as: Are the patterns relative to self-perceived position expressed differently in a female visual artists’ writings versus her use of language in an interview?
The research and methodologies will draw from the field of psychology/linguistics and a literature review searching for pre-existing material, methods, or lines of questioning in the fields of art theory and/or art criticism that might be relevant or theoretically transferable into the study of the language use of visual artists.