
academic textabation

Stepping Back to Move Forward: Expressive Writing Promotes Self-Distancing |. Pedagogical Implications for Training those “Moody Artists”

Summary: Park, J., Ayduk, Ö, & Kross, E. (2016). Stepping back to move forward: Expressive writing promotes self-distancing. Emotion, 16(3), 349-364. For individuals high in emotional reactivity with less efficient stress management mechanisms, it seems possible to regulate negative affect...
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artist because of a dispositional failure to fit any other social position — sadness, suffering and the creative act

MicroResponsive Reading – Unfettered word count, Pierre Bourdieu’s Fields of Cultural Production and suffering the self reflection that I am artist because of a dispositional failure to fit any other social position. Damn. Easing in, I slog through Pierre Bourdieu’s Fields...
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Theories and schools, like microbes and globules, devour each other and by their struggle to ensure the continuing of life. – Marcel Proust

oh damn my procrastination and that dastardly Pierre Bourdieu and his Fields of Cultural Production

He had me calling him a dastardly convoluted textual bastard on page five with his ten mile long sentences that fold back upon themselves and lead me to all forms of procrastinatory behaviors (it is always nice to blame someone...
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accounting again and again for myself – i am scholar, only sort of, it is an unreconcile fit

MORNING MUSING. i find myself accounting again and again for myself as i navigate rendering myself legible, viable, particularly in the realm as scholar, even neophyte scholar. i find myself brushing up against conventions of scholarliness and bristle at my inability to access, to...
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is “doing artist” the equivalent of “doing gender”?

Tangent [Julia Kristeva’a intertextual ADD] of the dissertation direction sort… I am currently reading The Topless Cellist (on Charlotte Moorman) for a class and for another class I am perusing the article “A Performative-Performance Analytical Approach: Infusing Butlerian Theory Into the Narrative-Discursive...
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“research becomes an alternative to self cannibalization” Lopate

my playpen :: anti-self cannibalization :: it is my tendency to jump in the deep end to see if I can explore this realm while learning to efficiently navigate a pool and a swim/floating method I haven’t previously used. Things...
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Mondrian White on White Pivotal Set, Oompa Loompas, A Buzz and Holler,plus Racks of Disemboweled Cadavers. LOVELY

Texas Tech’s Mother Courage, April 29 | First Performance | A slanted critical review of sorts As I squirmed in my seat for three hours, fifteen minutes, my anticipation and pleasure resided in what occurred between scenes, which began each time with...
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There is a forgetfulness between self and context…The foot twitches; the mind thinks. The mind thinks; the foot twitches. The mind twitches; the foot thinks. The foot thinks; the mind twitches. Perhaps.

An unfootnoted musing for a toe dipping short term project Option A—the easy way: Analysis of interdisciplinary product (outcome)—Robert Morris and Carolee Schneeman Option B—the less easy*: Analysis of Intermodal process (income)—Contemporary intermodal artistic practice of writing and ___ The...
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