
Waiting for the “possible” tornado to finish passing through bryan/college station while…

…watching my mom eating a nursing home version of chicken cordon blue. Ummm.  That is not the sound of me saying, Yummmm…it is that Ummm, i ain’t so sure about that chicken fried surprise! But my mom is so good natured, she says yummm (no matter). And the cook, as well as all the aids, assistants, nurses, administrators, just love her…of course she always has a smile for them, teases them good naturedly and has a kind of tendency to playfully run them over with her wheelchair (i call this ankle biting and try to get her to be careful…thank goodness for my steel tip boots).

i hope when i am her age, lacking all control over my life-when i get to wash my hair or take a shower, eat or be put to bed, i am as good natured as she is. she’s a great mom.

my mom makes me smile. i hope i can eventually get that smile on the inside like her smile.

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The moment
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