it just has to be genetic; tha is my story and I am sticking to it!
not sure which way it is passed, mother to daughter, or daughter to mother. I am, however going to claim a genetic disposition toward gooberhood. 0
genetic disposition for diet coke runs in the family
I cannot be blamed for this one.0
grams stay with you even when gone.
thinking about my gram. it’s been a year since she gracefully let go into her leap from this realm to the other. miss her being here.0
I shot my parents today without going postal.
well, they will go postal
after they get printed for Christmas cards.
I’d tell you what my mom and dad said to get themselves laughing but then I’d have to kill you because omg its just wrong at their age and MY parents!0
stuff dating back to 1796
found in my gram’s collection of things
Found in family bible my gram had that she received from previous generations, bible dating 1858. 0