currently reading
as cheesy as it sounds, i am currently reading Getting the love you want by Harville Hendrix. Historically i would never have picked up such a book with it’s cheesy self-help psycho babble title because i am a bit arrogant and think i am smart enough to figure out everything all by myself. But the year has revealed to me that i can’t figure things out by myself and pulling myself up by the bootstraps of my steel toed boots doesn’t really get me anything but a boot wedgy.
The world is not comprehensible,
but it is embraceable through
the embracing of one of its beings
Martin BuberThe man who desires to see the living God
face-to face does not seek God in the empty
firmament of his mind, but in human love.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
so far the book, recommended by a good boxer friend, is very interesting. Just finished forward and found it very helpful and provoking me enough so that i want to continue reading.