Day 10 — the fog clings moistly this morning
i am afraid the sun will not burn through, the leaves are laden with moisture. The slightest breeze sends a cascade of liquid crystals spilling down. The air clings thickly with the a barely audiable chill.0
Day 10 — the fog clings moistly this morning
i am afraid the sun will not burn through, the leaves are laden with moisture. The slightest breeze sends a cascade of liquid crystals spilling down. The air clings thickly with the a barely audiable chill.0
My fellow I-Park artists in residence
Lalie Douglas Jeannie Harkleroad Anthony Ingrisano Shireen Madon, poet Nathaniel Sullivan0
My fellow I-Park artists in residence
Lalie DouglasJeannie HarkleroadAnthony IngrisanoShireen Madon, poetNathaniel Sullivan0