
WASH student exhibition prep/timeline

Monday, December 6

  1. Crit 5 photo hybrids and 2 photo/bw representation hybrids
  2. Work in class on hybrid self symbol final presentation format
  3. Work in class on character
  4. Email invitations to exhibition to your friends, family, coworker
  5. Review blog and fill in missed posts

Wednesday, December 8

Finish hybrid self symbol
Finish characters
Finish updating blogs
Make any optional books to include in show or for BFA review

Crit characters
Patch, repair walls, paint walls
Clear out ALL personal stuff from studio by end of day
Sweep floors, arrange furniture
Make labels for each piece, including books that will be included in exhibition. Type your name and project title for each piece.

Review handout for list of materials to include, both required and optional.

Friday, December 10

  1. Table team critiques (list one thing you have appreciated,  worked well, or is just good/helpful about each one of your table mates; choose 3-5 other classmates not at your table and do the same. Turn in.)
  2. Divide into teams to devise layout scheme for each project area (2d: text as texture—wall/tables, mark making—wall/tables, texture—table, hybrid self portrait—wall/tables; 3d: cardboard—floor/tables, performance—table, modular madness—wall/tables/ pedestals, self portraits–wall/tables/pedestals, characters; lecture—wall/tables)
  3. Install work and name labels

Monday, December 13

  1. Send out reminder emails to friends, other professors and coworkers.
  2. Install inflatables if needed (3:45 pm)
  3. Exhibition: all students are to attend 5-7 pm
  4. Deinstallation: 7-8 pm or Tuesday, December 14. All work must be removed by December 14. The combination to the building will be changed for the next semester and you will no longer have access—please remove your stuff or put in loft for accreditation process (will be notified by email to pick up from WASH building late fall 2011).