
The Artist Way Creative Cluster [time to register]

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The Artist Way Creative Cluster 
Facilitator: Kathryn Kelley
Thursdays, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Begins Sept 12 (12 weeks)
Houston, TX

In this course, we will form a creative cluster in which to begin stepping past the internal and external habits that have kept our creative impulse on the back burner. Joining this cluster will be to fulfill a yearning to bring our creative impulse to the front burner. We will read and use techniques and exercises from Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist Way, to excavate habits and thinking that may have kept us blocked and cultivate new ones that support our impulse to create, to express. We will move from thinking about our own creative impulse to begin acting upon it. You will be challenged to test run weekly methods from the text — artist pages, an artist date, and other exercises. This course is based on the premise that each of us is creative by nature and that in a supportive community we can more easily begin moving from thinking about to actually doing. Whether your urge has been to write, paint, build, sculpt, cook, arrange, or plant, this group is for you and is genre independent.

The Artist Way Creative Cluster 
Facilitator: Kathryn Kelley
For all levels and genres [adults]Thursdays, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Begins Sept 12 (12 weeks) 
$345 plus book
Chapelwood UMC, 11140 Greenbay 77024
Williams Building 103
Group size max 12
Register with Kathy @ kk.creativehabit@gmail.com 

Over the twelve weeks we’ll cover

Week One: Recovering a Sense of Safety
Key concepts: Shadow Artists, Core Negative Beliefs, Affirmations

Week Two: Recovering a Sense of Identity
Key concepts: Poisonous Playmates, Crazymakers, the Inner Critic and the Act of Attention

Week Three: Recovering a Sense of Power
Key concepts: Synchronicity, Shame and Criticism

Week Four: Recovering a Sense of Integrity
Key concepts: Writing Prayers and Media Deprivation

Week Five: Recovering a Sense of Possibility
Key concepts: Limits, Wishing and The Virtue Trap

Week Six: Recovering a Sense of Abundance
Key concepts: Money, Luxury, Counting and Will

Week Seven: Recovering a Sense of Connection
Key concepts: Perfectionism and Thinking ideas up vs. Getting ideas down

Week Eight: Recovering a Sense of Strength
Key concepts: Age, Time, Creative Loss and the Ivory Power

Week Nine: Recovering a Sense of Compassion
Key concepts: Enthusiasm, Creative U-turns and Blasting Through Blocks

Week Ten: Recovering a Sense of Self-Protection
Key concepts: Competition, Work, and Finding Balance

Week Eleven: Recovering a Sense of Autonomy
Key concepts: Movement and Defining Success

Week Twelve: Recovering a Sense of Faith
Key concepts: Escape Velocity and a Final Prayer

The Artist Way Creative Cluster
facilitator: Kathryn Kelley
For all levels and genres [adults] Thursdays, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Begins Sept 12 (12 weeks)
$345 plus book
Chapelwood UMC, 11140 Greenbay 77024
Williams Building 103
Group size max 12
Register with Kathy @ kk.creativehabit@gmail.com

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