artist + writer + perpetual home renovator

mumbling to myself aloud with English butcheries, in public, at times it is embarrassing.

Theories and schools, like microbes and globules, devour each other and by their struggle to ensure the continuing of life. – Marcel Proust

productively procrastinating Pierre Bourdieu

Anti-Responsive unreading of Pierre Bourdieu via weed pulling, dirt hauling, mattress harvesting and form making! Habitus = “durable, transposable dispositions, structured structures predisposed to function as structuring structures, that is as principles which generate and organize practices and representations that can be objectively adapted to their...
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“Just do your work. And if the world needs your work it will come and get you. And if it doesn’t, do your work anyway. You can have fantasies about having control over the world, but I know I can barely control my kitchen sink. That is the grace I’m given. Because when one can control things, one is limited to one’s own vision.” — Kiki Smith

Joan Didion — “Had I been blessed with even limited access to my own mind there would have been no reason to write.”

I am cog

Autoethnographical Micro Reading Response 04—Adorno, Culture Industry CONCEPT: Adorno claims, “conformity has replaced consciousness” and “what might emerge as a point of resistance to the all-embracing unity of the system is immediately integrated and repressed” (Adorno and Bernstein, 1991, p 9) Perhaps Seven-of-Nine on Star Trek...
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Resistance must always be articulated from within discourse. – Judith Butler

To restore to the designer the experience of direct experience of a medium, is, I think, the task today. Here is, as I see it, a justification for crafts today. For it means taking, for instance, the working material into the hand, learning by working it of its obedience and its resistance, its potency and its weakness, its charm and dullness. The material itself is full of suggestions for its use if we approach it unaggressively, receptively. It is a source of unending stimulation and advises us in most unexpected manner. — Annie Albers, Design: Anonymous and Timeless. 1947