Uncomfortable video project parameters
3D Project 3.2 Uncomfortable Video [4D]
- Theme: Uncomfortable
- Sixty second [or less] video
-editing via computer
-exceed 60 seconds
-cuts (turn camera off; make necessary changes; restart camera. no digital editing)
-language but it should only play a support role (keep it to a minimum)
-shoot, review, refine, reshoot; again and again
-dependent on content set youtube settings to UNLISTED; after we have reviewed piece you may choose to set it to private.
- Youtube upload and link emailed to kk no later than Sunday, March 6, 4 pm
- Create link on blog to video (or if private); create post Uncomfortable Video that indicates private content sent to KK via email
- Burn to CD or DVD
- Turn in CD/DVD at 9:30 am Monday morning to TAs
- CRIT MONDAY. Don’t miss.
Grading criteria
- Degree to which audience is made uncomfortable
- Visual content (background, framing of shot, lighting, body language)
- Audio content (sound quality, ambient noise, voice usage)
- Narrative (storyline, script, theme)
- Work within parameters (if parameters bypassed; does the work significantly justify the bypass)