2D Project 2 Story LINE and Mark Making project parameters
2D Project 2 Story LINE and Mark Making parameters
by Chinney
David’s made with string.
by Katy
by Krystal
Artists of interest (worth googling)
Jill Moser
Brice Marden
Robert Ryman
Cy Twombly
Howard Sherman
John Adelman
Arshile Gorky
Antoni Tapies
Agnes Martin
William DeKooning
Piet Mondrian
Edvard Munch
Frank Stella
Sol LeWitt
Abstract Expressionism
Some of this stuff I like and some I just dont understand how it's art, am I thinking to much about it?
i don't like all of it myself; simply different use of line/mark making that has occurred over the last 100 years. think on!
If the wall mounted piece is due the 21 then what is due tomorrow?
bring materials to begin making the piece that is due the 21…you might bring several options.