
“You can never go wrong stopping by an opening party at this scrappy East End artist-run space. “

Box 13 Artspace: The latest round of exhibits kicks off from 7-9:30 p.m. Saturday at 6700 Harrisburg.

Weekend events provide options for arts lovers
By DOUGLAS BRITT Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle

Hope to see you guys at the BOX
Saturday, November 14
7-9:30 pm
6700 Harrisburg Blvd (77011)
Parking on Cesar Chavez and Capitol

Hasta La Basura Se Separa [artcrush] is an exhibition curated by the Austin-based group Los Outsiders: Salvador Castillo, Michael Anthony García and Hector Hernandez. Originally presented at the Galleria del Espacio Cultural de la Antigua Aduana in the border town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, Hasta La Basura Se Separa [artcrush] features the work of 13 contemporary artists from Texas, New York & Utah.

And i would be one of the artists, so come on out this Saturday.

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