blue box sheetrock holes expunged
(just wanted to use that word today. this is as closest I could get to using it correctly in a sentence this morning))
now install last blue box (unsquare box that is); daisy chain via twisty tying my electrical wires (according to code), check adhesive test sample for new drafting table surface (trying shower pan glue since rubbery self healing drafting surface seems shower panish–hope it works. if so, pick up some more to cover the 3×6 foot surface. then test one light deinstall, slam up special cut Sheetrock, tape, float, add silly texture so matches rest of wall, dry, paint, final twisty tie light install. shazam!!! now vent, flooring and sink plumbing! yea ha. oh yes play grading and crazy crit prep. ok ok. no not all today.