
garbed up and prepared (plus a handful of diamonds)

the dopty shAdow beast demands her walk. I garb up with must have paraphernalia for our rainy stroll. staying in the hermitage in spite of its open airy well lit space is not an option. it in fact is rather small for a big ole demanding energized pup with cabin fever. outside of the drizzle, the weather is fine so we stroll and I do must best imitation of wet dog!

though picture taking and blogging almost the whole way, I find a handfull of diamonds by the way side. I scoop them up to cash them in so I quit worrying about gainful employment. lovely.

despite my blogging habit, I note this mist accumulating on my cheeks, the matting and clinging of my fraying graying tendrils, I listen to the boughs sing sans human intervention, I register the drop and temp fluctuation on the compressing winds, the fluttering of my purple poncho dancing on the breeze, I hear the crows’ plaintiff call, the cattle’s munch and grind of grasses, watch the Dopt dare herself up to herding the hulking hamburger beasts, perhaps even I see the grasses grow.

the nearest black dot is the Dopt in route to do her imitation of herding beast. hope they comply.

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